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How is Wobble Laser Welding better than Arc-Welding?
What are the main benefits from Wobble laser welding compared to Standard automatic welding?

Which weld do you prefer: the left or the right one?
Which weld do you see in YOUR factory: left or right one?

Due to the small spot size of the laser, the heat input is typically 200 times lower than with MIG, TIG or arc welding processes.
Due to this VERY HIGH Concentrated Heat input, our Wobble Laser Welding Machines create almost NO Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) resulting in almost NO deformation of the workpiece.
PhotonWeld: Handheld Laser welding Machines for metals
Welding metal with Light - Welding metal with Photons
Today, welding is an innovative mounting technique that is used in all areas. While the technique itself is widespread, some of its processes are not yet as well known and underused. Laser welding falls into that category and, despite its false reputation as a complex process, offers many unparalleled advantages in terms of speed, technology and costs.
Compared to traditional manufacturing processes such as resistance spot welding or conventional ARC welding, Fiber Laser Welding offers easy operation, very simple to learn with a fast learning curve, improved energy efficiency, smaller ecological footprint, lower maintenance requirements, less enviremental contamination, improved machine lifetime and faster cycle times for high-volume production.
Consequently, the processing speed is maximized; material costs and operation costs are minimized.
The precision provided by fiber lasers is particularly useful for manufacturers switching to precise, thin-walled and lightweight designs made of light or very resistant materials. Significant weight reduction is achieved by minimizing the size of parts and components via fiber laser welding, while safe engineering is fully enabled by wobble-beam fiber welding.
PhotonWeld-Series: Your most clever investment!
Minimal 22% less energy consumption compared to any other laser welding machine!
Our PhotonWeld Laser Welding Machines
Our most sold machines
PhotonWeld A-PRO Series
PhotonWeld A-PRO-T35 - PhotonWeld A-PRO-T45 - PhotonWeld A-PRO-T55 - PhotonWeld A-PRO-T70 - PhotonWeld A-PRO-T90 - PhotonWeld A-PRO-T120
Simply The Best!
Our Most Easy to use new model
5 models with weld thru of 3.5 - 4.5 - 5.5 - 7.0 - 9.0 - 12,0 mm
Air cooling with heath-pump inside
New design
Runs from a standard 220V MONO plug
Laser welding packages ready to implement on any Robot - cobot or automation
For every new and old robot/cobot/cnc/automation
works with only 5 relais inputs
Automatic selection of 7 different welding programs by simple I/O
Everyone can install this package!
Now also with EcolEner energy saving technology available
PhotonWeld Series with Ecolener energy saving Technology
Our machines consume minimal 22% less energy than any other laser welding machine with the same power!

Add the best energy saving technology for lasers to our best laser wobble welding machines = PhotonWeld©
Class A++
Energy saving has become a priority for welding industry. This is due to the recent increase in energy demand and constraints in carbon emissions. Increasing environmental demands from governmental and customers strain the importance of reducing the environmental pollution while welding. Therefore, the minimum energy-oriented green welding process is must. Wobble Laser Welding (WLW) is considered to be the most significant development in metal joining and is a “green” technology due to its energy efficiency, environment friendliness, increased speed, reduced postprocessing and cleaning, and versatility. As compared to the conventional welding methods, WLW consumes considerably less energy. Add to this the revolutionary EcolEner energy saving technology based on 976nm pumping technology, and nobody can beat us anymore in energy saving.
Our Wobble welding machine with the new enrgysaving EcolEner© Technology = PhotonWeld©
PhotonWeld©: The Best and most ecological Portable LaserWelder on the market today - Class A+++

PhotonWeld: A+++
Our newest EcolEner 976nm Energy saving technology takes this important task of energy saving ONE GIANT STEP FURTHER:
With our New PhotonWeld© High Efficient Laser Welding Machine with the revolutionary EcolEner® Energy Saving Technology based on 976nm pumping Technology, we are able to increase the Wall Plug Efficiency to levels over 48% (WPE).
This results in a much higher efficient use of the electricity and generates an energy consumption reduction till 35% compared to normal laser welding machines.
Laser welding is an extremely precise, fast and super high concentrated energy welding technique.
Lasers beams can be focused and aimed with the exceptional accuracy required to weld the smallest devices.
Laser can also deliver the tremendous amounts of power required to weld even large spacecraft parts.
Laser welding is a versatile, powerful and easy automatable process.
Laser does create beautiful welds from a metallurgic and an aesthetic perspective and is very cost-effective.
Laser Welding Increases drastically your ROI (Return-On-Investment)
A Production Cost Reduction of 70% or more is possible with Laser Welding

SUPER HIGH ROI with Laser Welding
For most laser welded sheet metal parts, the weld quality and the speed of processing are far superior to conventional welding processes, and this ultimately results in increased profit margins. If you consider the complete sheet metal fabrication process (i.e. cutting, bending, punching and welding), welding and refinishing affect approximately 70 percent of the cost per part. This is mainly due to the length of time required and the high consumption costs associated with these processes. These main cost drivers are reduced by laser welding’s consistent quality and cosmetic seams. Our adjustable Wobble Function increases this consistent welding quality and boost the cosmetic perfect result to the highest level.
Since sheet metal fabricators benefit from the laser welding process in various ways, the ROI varies based on the production requirements of the shop. However, a laser welding cell can achieve a very high return on investment based on typical calculations. For example, pay-off time is roughly 7 to 9 months when a fabricator processes parts like covers and boxes, or fixtures such as counters and sinks for the medical or food service industries. This is true even when machine utilization is less than 50 percent and only active one shift per day.
You get a Drastic reduction of the ecological footprint of metal fabrication when using laser welding.
We face two major challenges in the 21st century:
digital transformation and ecological transition.
Ecological transition is an essential objective for humanity.
Digital technology is one of the greatest transformative forces of our time.
Lasermach is continuously working to use its innovative optical technology to develop breakthrough products while minimizing its environmental impact.

Committed to reduced energy consumption.
Carbon Footprint drastic reduction
Industrial fabrication, and the welding process in particular, is a highly energy intensive process involving the consumption of large quantities of gas, electricity and consumables.
Laser welding consumes as little as 1/20th of the energy and gas consumed by TIG/GTAW for the same weld, dramatically reducing the carbon footprint of our customers.
Lasermach is committed to the development of technologies which reduce energy consumption, improve the sustainability of our industry and improve occupational health and safety.
FULL CE Laser Welding Machines at Affordable Prices - Not only the most safe but also the best and most equipped Laser Welding Machines in the Market
How thick can we weld with a handheld laser welding machine?
Sample of 8mm stainless steel laser welded from 2 sides with 2kW laser source at 1800 Watt and 0.8 Wobble diameter
Our Wobble fiber laser welder gives you back the POLE position!
Comparison Welding: We beat them ALL
Comparison welding | Traditional welding | Laser welding | Wobble-PRO+ laser welding |
Heat input to the workpiece | Very high | Low | Very Low |
Deformation of the workpiece, undercut | Big | Small | Very Small |
Bond strength to base metal | General | Good | Very good |
Follow up treatment | Polishing | Rarely need polishing | No need or rarely need polishing |
Welding speed | General | More than 2~4 times arc welding | More than 2~4 times arc welding |
Applicable material | Stainless Steel, Carbon steel, Galvanized sheet | Stainless Steel, Carbon steel, Galvanized sheet, brass,.. | Stainless Steel, Carbon steel, Galvanized sheet,brass,... |
Consumables | More consumables | Less consumables | Less consumables |
Operation difficulty | Complicated | General | Very easy |
Operator safety | Unsafety | Safety | Safety is VERY High |
Environmental protection impact | Not environmentally friendly | Environmentally friendly | Environmentally friendly |
Welding fault tolerance | Good | Bad | VERY Good |
Wobble/Swing welding | No | No | Yes |
Spot width adjustable | No | No | Yes |
Welding quality comparison | Bad | General | Very Good |
Safety and Health
No words needed here!
Where do you want to work?
Where does your team want to work?

Full CE Certified

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All latest info on ourPhotonweld Series of laser welding machines here to find
Laserlassen in Belgie - laserlassen in Nederland - Laser welding in the UK - Soudage laser en France - Soudage laser en Belgique - Soudage laser au Luxembourg - Laserschweißen in Deutschland - Laserschweißen in Österreich - Soldadura láser en españa - Saldatura laser in italia - Soldadura a laser em portugal - Laser welding in ireland - Lasersvejsning i danmark - Sudarea cu laser în Romania - Soudage laser en Suisse - Laserschweißen in der Schweiz - Laser bidezko soldadura espainian - Laser bidezko soldadura espainian - Laserové svařování v česku - Laserové zváranie na slovensku - Lasersko varjenje v sloveniji - Lasersko zavarivanje u hrvatskoj - Lasersko zavarivanje u bosni - Ласерско заваривање у Србији - Лазерно заваряване в българия - Συγκόλληση με λέιζερ στην Ελλάδα - Spawanie laserowe w Polsce - Лазерне зварювання в Україні - Лазерная сварка в украине - Лазерная зварка ў Беларусі - Laserhitsaus Suomessa - Lasersvetsning i sverige - Lasersveising i norge - Laser welding in united states - Laser welding in canada - Soudage au laser au Canada - Türkiye'de Lazer Kaynak - ריתוך לייזר בישראל
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