Wobble Laser Welding Packages für die Integration von Robotern und Maschinen
Vorgefertigte Laserschweißgeräte für Roboterzellen sind schlüsselfertige Lösungen für Hersteller oder Roboterintegratoren, die ihre Fähigkeiten für die Zukunft durch die Automatisierung von Schweißprozessen verbessern müssen, um Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Qual
Integrated Laser Systems for Welding
A unique solution package for reliable laser Welding

The main advantage of laser welding is the speed and precision
In addition to speed and precision, laser welding offers high productivity, new construction possibilities and cost savings.
In our activity, we definitely focus on 'LASER', using modern laser sources of various types and applications.
We offer tailor-made solutions as well as ready-made devices and production stations.
Automation and robotization of laser welding processes make up the greater part of our design portfolio.
Superior but affordable Robot Ready Fiber Laser Welding packages
Lasermach Wobble Fiber Laser Welding Machine is a new type high-power, high-end continuous welding tool which adopts a high-quality fiber laser source to produce a stirring fiber optic beam. After transmission processing, the light is focused on the workpiece to achieve continuous welding. It avoids the two thresholds of thermal strain and post-treatment, and is environmentally friendly and pollution-free, greatly improving the joint strength and quality of welding. Replacing the previously fixed light path with a robot mounted type with wobbling function, not only facilitates the welding of molds, advertising characters, kitchen utensils, doors and windows, etc., but also makes laser welding possible at high speeds.

The wobble method produces a superior weld by greatly reducing imperfections, increasing consistency, reducing material cost and providing more tolerance for process variables.
The traditional welding of electric welding, argon arc welding, etc. will soon be replaced by laser wobble welding.
Gain an Advantage with Robotic/Cobotic Laser Welding
Robotic/cobotic laser welding is a cost-effective and flexible application for achieving high quality weldments. The combined flexibility of the robotic arm and capabilities of laser welding technology produce very sophisticated results.
In fact, laser welding offers so many advantages that some companies have switched their MIG and other welding applications over to laser welding.
Fast, Precision-Driven Welding:
The speed and accuracy provided by robotic laser welding solutions is unparalleled. The laser beam creates a very deep and precise weld, without inputting as much heat or energy into the material as is necessary for more traditional welding applications. Because the heat-affected zone is so much smaller, the weldment is more precise.
No Touch-Up Necessary:
Welding without having to constantly rework or refinish? Most welding processes require a touch-up so the seam can look better. Not so with laser welding. Laser welding is extremely focused, which allows it to weld clean. There isn't the distortion in the base material or seam that you often see with other applications. The resulting weldments are more attractive, making this the perfect application for sheet metal applications that require a clean finished look. Finally, with less refinish/machining work to be done, laser welding is able to provide faster production times.
Laser welding is an attractive option because it is not limited to a specific type of metal. Instead, it is suitable for a variety of different base materials. This adds greater flexibility to the application. In another way, robotic laser welding offers extreme flexibility when it comes to welding hard-to-access parts. The focused laser beam is more direct and less damaging to the material.
Every unit is equipped with Wobble-R Vision: Standard equipped with vision camera and monitoring screen
Fiber laser wobble welding integration unit with for robots with vision

The simplest solution for your challenges: Cobot Laser Welding.
Fast, flexible, and economical welding automation for medium-sized enterprises.
Robotic Laser Welding:
PhotonWeld R-Series Laser Welding units
Wobble CUBE
CNC Laser Welding Machines
How Robotic/Cobotic Laser Welding Works
Robotic laser welding works slightly differently than traditional welding methods. There are two types of laser welding: heat conduction laser welding and deep laser welding.
- Heat conduction laser welding is used primarily for thin parts. In this process, energy gets into the workpiece through heat conduction. The materials melt at the point of the weld from this conducted heat and then quickly solidify, sealing the material.
- Deep laser welding works by melting the material and creating a deep steam capillary, also known as a keyhole. This steam capillary moves with the laser as the weld is made, allowing the weld to reach deep into the material. The melted material solidifies behind the steam capillary and permanently seals the material.
Wobble-R: Laser Welding for robot - Laser Welding for cobot
Fiber Laser Welding packages robot-ready from 1 till 3 kW to build on Robots, cobots and automated machines
The base model R has a single robot interface suitable to most of the robot brands.
Our Wobble R-units suits following Robot brands
Omron / Adept
and more
Robot-Ready laserwelding Machine
Fiber laser Welding Machines for Robot, cobot and automation
The Wobble-R line of fiber laser welding products are configurable and based on a modular design, allowing you to meet changing market demands to ensure future competitiveness.
Wobble-R : Fiber laser wobble welding prepared for any robot integration

Cobot welding – Automation is easier than expected
Laser Welding automation
Click HERE to visit our new PhotonWeld Website
All latest info on ourPhotonweld Series of laser welding machines here to find
Call our Wobble Welding Specialists
West Europe :
Patrick +32 475.736.351 (English, Deutsch, Français, Nederlands) - Belgium
East Europe :
Catalin +40 755.088.805 (English, Română) - Romania
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